Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of First Grade!

This is my school.
My teacher is Mrs. Gilliam. I LOVE her! She does cartwheels when we are good! And she gives us candy when we're good, like if we walk good in the line.

My mom took this picture on the first day of school. I'm cracked up because one of the photos ended up showing Toulouse's bum! Toulouse is my boy cat; he's the cat in this picture.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Pegasus Post

This is my horse, Pegasus. He is my favorite stuffed horse and I really love him. That's why I want to you to see him. This picture is him and me sitting in our stairway.

Pegasus is a good horse. If you come to my house, I can show you the tricks he does.

My Auntie Lynne gave him to me.

My father tells me Pegasus stories; Peggy comes from Fairy Tale Land.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Mama Post: August 1

Happy Birthday, Carlyn!