Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Accelerated Reader at my School

AR is the most fun time of all at my school. I read a book twice, then a take a test. Mrs. Gilliam types in the name of the book. I use the computer and it asks me questions. For instance, if you test on Duck for President, it would ask you, "What's the name of the farmer?" It would give you choices like:

A. Cow Brown
B. Mr. Jones
C. Farmer Brown
D. Farmer Black

And then you have to click on the answer you think is right. But no peeking in the book!

I get points every time I pass a test. Right now, I think I have about 25 points and when I get one more point, I get a prize. Hunter and I are racing. He's a boy. We're racing to get the t-shirt prizes. You get those when you get to 35 AR points.

To get one AR point, you have to get 100% on two AR tests.

Today, I took a test on Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia. I only read it one time; I was a little sneaky about that. But we're supposed to read it two times! But I got 100%!


Meagan Stoner said...

Hello, Cousin Carlyn! How are you? I miss you very much. Did you know that Kayla and I took accelerated reader tests in elementary, middle, and high school? When I first started taking the tests, I thought they were very hard. I was not used to computers because computers were not very common at that time. But I am very impressed that you're doing so well and that you may win the Tshirt soon--good luck! I also loved to read the books about Amelia Bedilia, although I'm not sure whether she is more clumsy than me. What do you think? You can tell me when you see me in about a month! I love you! Have a great Thanksgiving--gobble gobble!